Short Books

Vonnel offers a proposition to his skilled team of thieves: make off with the most technologically advanced gadget on the planet, and earn more money than they can imagine. The gadget known as "the wrinkler" lines up the rifts in space-time and thrusts you through it, but there's a catch. They're not the only ones after it.
They set up a sting in a skyscraper hotel on the edge of The City. Vonnel's right-hand man is dressed as a woman, his techie can't get the volume right on his communications, and his bumbling diversion is doing things better left unknown. Vonnel intercepts the target in his hotel room. Problem is, the wrinkler is not inside, and the man who stole it, his old nemesis, has already used it to disappear.
Now Vonnel must use all his wits to determine where his nemesis has gone, and how to procure the wrinkler for his client. It's a race up skyscrapers and through space-time for the ultimate gadget, and only one person can stop him: a man he has never before bested.

Refusing to be just another sock puppet on a string, a Gatekeeper fights to keep Rumpelstiltskin out of our world.
When Aubrey finds himself tricked by the demons he is meant to contain, they all break loose into the world, led by Rumpelstiltskin. Aubrey must pool all his resources to redeem himself, resulting in unintended consequences and a showdown with Rumpelstiltskin.
They are everywhere. On the wind and in the trees and even in the street. I strike them and run them down without mercy, leaving their twisted, gory bodies to rot on the stones and tarmac. The fear in their eyes, the utter terror as I bear down upon them like a whale upon plankton, the squeals and squishy thump as they come between the rubber and the road, feeds my desire. But they are nothing.
None of them are. Not the loup garou, not the Schwarze man, not even the Krampus himself. No, only Rumpelstiltskin matters.

A Crocodile Never Cries
Dew does funny things to a corpse. It makes naked skin sparkle and toes lying half-
submerged in a mud puddle appear as a lost diamond necklace.
It did nothing for her hair. It was stringy and matted and covered her face down to her lips. No doubt her eyes glared at him between the matted strips.
"Quit starin at me," she'd say. "Makin me nervous."
Jed is just another career criminal with a druggie girlfriend, until she falls in with the wrong crowd and winds up dead. Now he moves forward, caught between regret and remorse, while we trace what got them to this point.
As appeared in TQRstories, and now in the anthology Touching the Monkey 2!
Stories, Novellas & Novels
Not Yet Published

In the works is an exciting fantasy series, set in a world somewhere askance to our own. The Wandering Cave is a novel like no other, and a story you won't soon forget. Join Cadovis and Atta as they search for answers, escape danger, and find unlikely companionship.

Set in Roda, the same world as The Wandering Cave, are many more stories. The story of the War on Noroc as we follow Prait, King Namos, and others; the story of Micah's return and rise to power; the stories of Cadovis and Atta, before the cave; the adventures of Aven and Envur in Harvendale; and more!